
The purpose of the Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan is to promote greater understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change in the Pioneer Valley.


PVPC Climate Action Clean Energy Plan FINAL 02-18-14.pdf

Pioneer Valley Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan
Pioneer Valley Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan - element of the Pioneer Valley Sustainablity Plan "Our Next Future"
PVPC Climate Action Clean Energy Plan FINAL 02-18-14.pdf

Exexutive Summary Climate.pdf

Pioneer Valley Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan Executive Summary
Pioneer Valley Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan Executive Summary - an element of the Pioneer Valley Sustainablity Plan "Our Next Future"
Exexutive Summary Climate.pdf

The Pioneer Valley is fortunate to have an extremely well organized and highly functioning regional food system that addresses both food insecurity and development of a sustainable food system through long-standing, successful efforts by groups with a regional vision such as the Food Bank of West


Executive Summary Food.pdf

Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan Executive Summary
Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan Executive Summary - element of Pioneer Valley Sustainablity Plan "Our Next Future"
Executive Summary Food.pdf

PV Food Security Plan.pdf

Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan
Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan - Element plan of the Pioneer Valley Sustainablity Plan - Our Next Future
PV Food Security Plan.pdf

Appendix A - Qualitative Research Survey Findings.pdf

Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan - Appendix A: Qualitative Research Survey FIndings
Pioneer Valley Region Food Security Plan - Appendix A
Appendix A - Qualitative Research Survey Findings.pdf

Appendix C - School Meals Data.pdf

Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan - Appendix C: School Meals Data
Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan - Appendix C: School Meals Data
Appendix C - School Meals Data.pdf

Appendix D - Food System Toolkit.pdf

Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan - Appendix D: Food System Tool Kit
Pioneer Valley Food Security Plan - Appendix D: Food System Tool Kit
Appendix D - Food System Toolkit.pdf

A clean and healthy environment is vital for everyone’s quality of life. This includes the natural diversity of biological species and communities, and the ability of ecosystems to be resilient.


PV Environment Plan.pdf

PV Environment Plan 2014
Environt element of the Pioneer Valley Sustainablity Plan "Our Next Future" - 2014
PV Environment Plan.pdf

Executive Summary Environment.pdf

PV Environmental Plan Executive Summary
PV Environmental Plan Executive Summary - Part of regional sustainablity plan
Executive Summary Environment.pdf

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is a narrative description of the annual technical work program for a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (3C)


FY2022UPWP final report.pdf

FY2022UPWP final report June 3 2021
FY2022UPWP final report June 3 2021
FY2022UPWP final report.pdf

PVPC FY2021 UPWP final report.pdf

FFY 2021 UPWP Final Report - May 26 2020
2021 UPWP - May 26 2020
PVPC FY2021 UPWP final report.pdf

FY2021 UPWP draft report.pdf

FFY 2021 UPPW Draft Report - April 2020
FFY 2021 UPPW Draft Report - April 2020
FY2021 UPWP draft report.pdf

FY2020 UPWP final report adjusted 7_23.pdf

Final FY2020 UPWP as adjusted 7/23/2019
Final version of the FY2020 UPWP as adjusted to reflect changes in planning funding/contract language.
FY2020 UPWP final report adjusted 7_23.pdf

FY2020 UPWP final report-May 2019.pdf

FY2020 UPWP final report-May 2019
FY2020 UPWP final report-May 2019
FY2020 UPWP final report-May 2019.pdf

FY2020 UPWP draft report-April 23 2019.pdf

Draft 2020 UPWP- April 2019
Draft 2020 UPWP- April 2019
FY2020 UPWP draft report-April 23 2019.pdf

2019 UPWP final report.pdf

2019 UPWP final report May 2018
2019 UPWP final report May 2018
2019 UPWP final report.pdf

FInal FY2018 UPWP as adjusted on April 24, 2018

FInal FY2018 UPWP as adjusted on April 24, 2018
FY2018 UPWP as adjusted at 4/24/2018 MPO meeting
FInal FY2018 UPWP as adjusted on April 24, 2018

Final FY2018 UPWP.pdf

Final FY2018 Unified Planning Work Program
Final version of the Fiscal Year 2018 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) as endorsed by the MPO on May 23, 2017.
Final FY2018 UPWP.pdf

Draft FY2018 UPWP.pdf

Draft FY2018 UPWP for MPO Review - April 19, 2017
Draft FY2018 UPWP for MPO Review - April 19, 2017
Draft FY2018 UPWP.pdf

Final 2017 UPWP.pdf

Final 2017 Unified Planning Work Program for the Pioneer Valley MPO
Annual summary of transportation planning activities for the Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization
Final 2017 UPWP.pdf

draft 2017 UPWP PVPC.pdf

draft 2017 UPWP - June 2016
draft 2017 UPWP - June 2016
draft 2017 UPWP PVPC.pdf

Final 2016 UPWP_web.pdf

2016 UPWP Endorsed June 2015
2016 UPWP Endorsed June 2015
Final 2016 UPWP_web.pdf

2015 UPWP amendment.pdf

Proposed Amendment to the 2015 UPWP-May 2015
Proposed Amendment to the 2015 UPWP-May 2015
2015 UPWP amendment.pdf

Draft 2016 UPWP-may 21, 2015.pdf

Draft 2016 UPWP-may 21, 2015.pdf
Draft 2016 UPWP-may 21, 2015.pdf
Draft 2016 UPWP-may 21, 2015.pdf

final 2015 UPWP_web.pdf

2015 Unified Planning Work Program_June 18, 2014
2015 UPWP
final 2015 UPWP_web.pdf

final 2014 UPWP_August 2013 for Web.pdf

Pioneer Valley Unified Planning Work Program 2014
Pioneer Valley Unified Planning Work Program 2014
final 2014 UPWP_August 2013 for Web.pdf

PVPC staff worked with the Town of Monson to develop this supplemental plan between September 2011 and April 2012.

Continuing, Comprehensive, and Cooperative Planning Process


Monson-Community-Plan_Final Report_06-30-12.pdf

A Community Plan for Monson Center - Supplemental Chapter to the Monson Master Plan
Community plan for the town of Monson prepared by the PVPC in June 2012
Monson-Community-Plan_Final Report_06-30-12.pdf


Monson Community Plan Appendices
Appendices from the 2012 Monson Community Plan, supplemental to the town's master plan.

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a requirement of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process as described in the Metropolitan Planning Final Rule 23 CFR 450 section 324.


Final 2014-2017 TIP_Report_February 2014forweb.pdf

2014 - 2017 Transportation Improvement Program - February 2014
2014 - 2017 TIP Document
Final 2014-2017 TIP_Report_February 2014forweb.pdf

The new 2015 Plan for Progress is the region's economic development strategy, setting forth a broad vision of "A strong, innovative, engaging, and vibrant economy and quality of life that fosters prosperity and sustainability and is driven by collaborative leadership."



2015 Plan for Progress
Full Report: 2015 Plan for Progress


2015 Plan for Progress Executive Summary
Executive Summary of 2015 Plan for Progress

The purpose of this Regional Housing Plan is to identify opportunities related to housing market stability, housing affordability and fair access to housing in the Pioneer Valley in order to create a region in which all residents are able to choose housing that is affordable and appropriate to th

The RTP for the Pioneer Valley outlines the direction of transportation planning and improvements for the region for the next 20 years.


Final regional freight plan.pdf

Pioneer Valley Regional Freight Plan
Final version of the Pioneer Valley Regional Freight Plan
Final regional freight plan.pdf

Appendix D_ Traffic Volumes.pdf

Regional Freight Plan Appendix D - Truck Volumes
Regional Truck Volumes used in the Pioneer Valley Freight Plan
Appendix D_ Traffic Volumes.pdf

draft pioneer valley regional freight plan.pdf

Draft Pioneer Valley Regional Freight Transportation Plan
Current draft version of the Pioneer Valley Regional Freight Transportation Plan
draft pioneer valley regional freight plan.pdf

‌Final RTP-Full Document.pdf

‌Final 2020 RTP-Full Document
‌Final 2020 RTP-Full Document
‌Final RTP-Full Document.pdf

Final 2020 RTP Executive Summary.pdf

Final 2020 RTP Executive Summary
Final 2020 RTP Executive Summary
Final 2020 RTP Executive Summary.pdf

Final RTP Appendix.pdf

Final RTP Appendix
Final RTP Appendix
Final RTP Appendix.pdf

RTP Powerpoint Presentation for 2-21-19 Commission Meeting.pdf

RTP Powerpoint Presentation for 2-21-19 Commission Meeting.pdf
Copy of the presentation given to the Pioneer Valley Commissioners at their meeting on 2/21/19
RTP Powerpoint Presentation for 2-21-19 Commission Meeting.pdf

Draft 2020 RTP Vision Goals Needs Strategies.pdf

Draft 2020 RTP Vision Goals Needs Strategies.pdf
A copy of the draft Vision, Goals, Needs, Strategies, and Problem Statements for the 2020 Update to the RTP
Draft 2020 RTP Vision Goals Needs Strategies.pdf

GHG results for GWSA and other AQ results.pdf

This report documents recent progress made by MassDOT and the MPOs in meeting air quality goals established through state and (currently former) federal regulations applicable to Massachusetts. It consists of two parts: 1) A “progress report” that documen
GHG results for GWSA and other AQ results.pdf

Environmental Consultation.pdf

RTP Environmental Consultation
A meeting to discuss the potential environmental impact of the 2016 RTP
Environmental Consultation.pdf

20 Years and the RTP.pdf

20 years and the RTP
A staff commentary on the challenges of developing a regional transportation plan.
20 Years and the RTP.pdf

RTP Development Schedule Final.pdf

2016 RTP Development Schedule
A summary of the schedule to develop and release the 2016 Update to the RTP
RTP Development Schedule Final.pdf

Draft Regional Performance Measures.pdf

Draft Performance Measures for the Pioneer Valley Region
A summary of draft regional performance measures to be considered for adoption by the MPO
Draft Regional Performance Measures.pdf

RTP movie Medium Quality.mp4

RTP Movie - Medium Quality
A short video overview of the RTP

RTP movie mobile devices.mp4

RTP Movie for Mobile Devices
A short video overview of the RTP

rtp powerpoint script final.pdf

Complete script of the RTP movie
A written version of the narrative from the RTP movie
rtp powerpoint script final.pdf

Final 2016 Regional transportation plan_spanish movie medium quality.mp4

PelĂ­cula RTP - calidad media
ver un vĂ­deo corto de la RTP

Final 2016 Regional transportation plan_spanish movie for mobile devices.mp4

PelĂ­cula RTP para dispositivos mĂłviles
ver un vĂ­deo corto de la RTP

Escritura de presentaciĂłn de Power Point.pdf

GuiĂłn completo de la pelĂ­cula RTP
Una versiĂłn escrita de la narrativa de la pelĂ­cula RTP
Escritura de presentaciĂłn de Power Point.pdf

2012 Final RTP_9_21_11_web.pdf

Pioneer Valley Regional Transportation Plan 2012
2012 Pioneer Valley Regional Transportation Plan for the Metropolitan Planning Organization
2012 Final RTP_9_21_11_web.pdf


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