The purpose of the Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan is to promote greater understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change in the Pioneer Valley.
PVPC Climate Action Clean Energy Plan FINAL 02-18-14.pdf
Exexutive Summary Climate.pdf
The Pioneer Valley is fortunate to have an extremely well organized and highly functioning regional food system that addresses both food insecurity and development of a sustainable food system through long-standing, successful efforts by groups with a regional vision such as the Food Bank of West
Executive Summary Food.pdf
PV Food Security Plan.pdf
Appendix A - Qualitative Research Survey Findings.pdf
Appendix C - School Meals Data.pdf
Appendix D - Food System Toolkit.pdf
A clean and healthy environment is vital for everyone’s quality of life. This includes the natural diversity of biological species and communities, and the ability of ecosystems to be resilient.
PV Environment Plan.pdf
Executive Summary Environment.pdf
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is a narrative description of the annual technical work program for a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (3C)
FY2021 UPWP draft report.pdf
FY2020 UPWP final report adjusted 7_23.pdf
FY2020 UPWP final report-May 2019.pdf
FInal FY2018 UPWP as adjusted on April 24, 2018
Final FY2018 UPWP.pdf
Draft FY2018 UPWP.pdf
Final 2017 UPWP.pdf
2015 UPWP amendment.pdf
final 2014 UPWP_August 2013 for Web.pdf
PVPC staff worked with the Town of Monson to develop this supplemental plan between September 2011 and April 2012.
Continuing, Comprehensive, and Cooperative Planning Process
Monson-Community-Plan_Final Report_06-30-12.pdf
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a requirement of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process as described in the Metropolitan Planning Final Rule 23 CFR 450 section 324.
Final 2014-2017 TIP_Report_February 2014forweb.pdf
The new 2015 Plan for Progress is the region's economic development strategy, setting forth a broad vision of "A strong, innovative, engaging, and vibrant economy and quality of life that fosters prosperity and sustainability and is driven by collaborative leadership."
The purpose of this Regional Housing Plan is to identify opportunities related to housing market stability, housing affordability and fair access to housing in the Pioneer Valley in order to create a region in which all residents are able to choose housing that is affordable and appropriate to th