The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is hosting the first public information meeting on the Interstate 91 (I-91) Viaduct Study. MassDOT
This public meeting on November 9th is an opportunity to learn about and share your thoughts on the Memorial Avenue and Union Street Extension transportation improvement projects in West Springfield, MA. At this meeting various design alternatives for the Memorial Avenue corridor and a concept fo
Memorial Avenue Meeting Notice.pdf
Proposed 16-19TIP_October 2015.pdf
Capital Conversations Flyer - Revised - 10 08 2015.pdf
No one likes to be stuck in traffic. Roadway congestion is frustrating because its causes are usually out of the driver’s control. Further, what seems like a “major traffic jam” to one person might be “just a little delay” to another. In either case, the consequences of excessive traffic conge
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission 2015 Quarterly Newsletter, Summer Regional Reporter.
Click here to view/download Summer Regional Reporter.
Resilient Communities.pdf
sustain toolkit.pdf
ceds summer writeup.pdf
Bike Sharing writeup.pdf
Click Here for Map of FFY 2016-2019 TIP Projects
MassDOT_TIPPVPC-2016-2019_endorsed June 23 2015.pdf
PVMPO Transit TIP Endorsed June 23 2015.pdf
Final 2016-2019 TIP_Endorsed June 23, 2015 web.pdf
The Pioneer Valley Regional Transportation Plan or RTP is a federal requirement that outlines the direction of transportation planning over a minimum of twenty years.
20 Years and the RTP.pdf
Draft Regional Performance Measures.pdf
RTP movie Medium Quality.mp4
RTP movie mobile devices.mp4
rtp powerpoint script final.pdf
Final 2016 Regional transportation plan_spanish movie medium quality.mp4
Final 2016 Regional transportation plan_spanish movie for mobile devices.mp4
Escritura de presentación de Power Point.pdf
Seeking self-directed and highly motivated professional with strong analytical capabilities and experience with data analysis for a part time position.