Knowledge Corridor Growth Study Report

10 Jul 2015

The Economic and Public Policy Research (EPPR) group at the UMass Donahue Institute conducted research on growth oriented companies in the Knowledge Corridor region of Connecticut and western Massachusetts. In this summary report, we will refer to the Connecticut portion as the Capital Region, which includes Hartford and Tolland counties. We will refer to the western Massachusetts portion as the Pioneer Valley, which includes Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire County. The combined area will be called the Knowledge Corridor.

The following analysis combines data from separate studies examining the Pioneer Valley and Capital Region. The Pioneer Valley portion focuses on 2005 to 2010 employment data and phone interviews conducted in the latter part of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. The Capital Region study used employment data from 2007 to 2012 and conducted phone interviews in the fall of 2014.

Click the links below to read/download the report.

Connecticut and Pioneer Valley Knowledge Corridor Growth Business Study Report (Executive Summary)

Connecticut and Pioneer Valley Knowledge Corridor Growth  Business Study Report (Final Report)

Connecticut Knowledge Corridor Growth Business Study