The MPO meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 24 at 10 am will be conducted on line.

27 Feb
The purpose of the Pioneer Valley Regional Freight Transportation Plan is to identify freight needs, review existing conditions of the current freight network, and assess future potential for expansion and improved efficiency and safety of freight in coordination with the Massachusetts Freight Pl
30 Jan
Proposed Amendments to the FFY 2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
09 Jan
TIP is a Five-year schedule of priority highway, bridge, transit, and multimodal projects identified by year and location complete with funding source and cost. The TIP is developed annually and is available for amendment and adjustment at any time. Each program year of the TIP coincides with the Federal Fiscal Year calendar, October 1 through September 30.
29 Jul
Please Click the link below to select the Full RTP document or a specific Chapter