PSA Educating Valley Residents on Stormwater to Hit Local Ariwaves

10 Apr 2018
Listeners of 93.9 The River, WHMP, and Lazer 99.3 will soon be receiving a 30-second lesson on the importance of managing our region’s stormwater, complements of the Connecticut River Stormwater Committee  - a coalition of 17 communities here in the Pioneer Valley. 
The radio spot references the Soak up the Rain Pioneer Valley website. 
Administered by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Soak Up the Rain Pioneer Valley is a resource to help the region reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff from our homes and businesses.
The public service announcement will help listeners understand stormwater’s role in washing fertilizer, oil, pesticides, dirt, bacteria, and other pollutants as it travels into catch basins and pipes and into our local ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers - rivers, such as the Connecticut River.
It encourages the public to take actions to help soak up that stormwater, such as directing downspouts toward lawns, installing rain barrels and rain gardens, as well as using porous pavement.
Reducing this runoff through the relatively easy and cost-effective strategies promoted through Soak Up the Rain helps reduce pollution and flooding, protect water resources, beautify neighborhoods, and save property owners and taxpayers money.
The PSA is part of an ongoing outreach and education effort by Connecticut River Stormwater Committee members, all representing communities regulated under the Environmental Protection Agency stormwater permit.
You can listen to the full PSA here.