Holland Master Plan Public Forum Scheduled

29 Sep 2015

The Holland Planning Board, with assistance from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, is updating the Land Use and Housing Sections of the 2004 Holland Master Plan. Public officials and citizens are invited to join the conversation and contribute ideas at a public meeting Tuesday, October 27, 7:00 p.m. at the Holland Community Center, 40 Brimfield Road.

This public meeting is being held to give Holland residents; town officials, boards, commissions, and departments; business owners; and others who are interested in Holland’s future an opportunity to express their own opinions and ideas of how Holland should grow over the coming decades. The results of the recently completed Community Survey will also be presented.

The Town of Holland has contracted with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission to help undertake this Master Plan update, which is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development’s District Local Technical Assistance Program.

For more information about the survey or the Master Planning process, please contact Larry Smith at the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission at (413) 781-6045 or lsmith@pvpc.org.